Following a decrease in engagement with their card members, American Express was looking to reposition the brand and become a challenger brand. With this a refreshed digital experience would earmark this transformation.

Creating the new digital experience involved workshops consisting of the senior creative team worked together to to extract the essence of the brand from real life customer anecdotes.
These were translated to small vignettes on the site of the AMEX brand that we hoped would resonate with the consumers.
As Senior Art Director / Designer I worked with product managers and development engineers to come up with a series of wireframes which would ultimately become templates for a bespoke CMS that the agency would be developing for the client.

I was responsible for the curation of and extensive visual asset library that would be utilised in a variety of formats.
The process involved working with several agency partners to search and narrow down thousands of visual assets into a refined set that would complement the brand experience of the site being designed.